Want Us To Read Your Work?
We are currently open for submissions
Submission Guidelines:​
- Submissions must be emailed by PDF or Word Doc to theuniversespoetry@gmail.com. Please include no more than 10 poems per submission.
- Include a third person bio of no more than 100 words in the body of your email. If you would like to be tagged in any Instagram posts we make featuring your work, please also include your Instagram handle.
- We look favourably upon poets who have shown clear consideration of our theme. We encourage, although it is by no means necessary, a short explanation of your work and why you feel it is a good fit for us in the body of your email.
- We accept simultaneous submissions
- We accept work that have been previously published as long as you retain the rights and let us know!
What Happens if My Work is Accepted?
If your work is accepted, we will respond via email with a contract that gives us non-exclusive right to publish your work. If you still wish to proceed, please sign the contract and email it back to us.
If we do not accept your submission, please do not be discouraged. We encourage you to continue to submit to us and will review each submission independently of the last.
We look forward to reading your work!