There are just too many worlds out there –
Ones as bald as buzzards
And others tangled up
In vines
Most are as cold as pirates’ clouds
Blood orange as blue can be
Some mornings
Yes there are too many worlds calling –
With every See you later a charm
But that never returns
Or with love pitched like straw
To the wind
And there are too many worlds warning –
With wasps swarming overhead
Or scissors pointing
And with sirens lighting the way
At night
Sometimes overall
There are just too many worlds trying --
With trees begging the sky for love
Or peaches desperate for cream
Or even more than that
With all that gushing
That just won’t stop gushing Why.
Audio narration of Tangled read by the poet:
Hiram Larew's most recent collection, Patchy Ways, was published in 2023 by CyberWit Press. As founder of Poetry X Hunger, he's bringing a world of poets to the anti-hunger cause. www.HiramLarewPoetry and